By the way how many trees are in Jannah. It’s call jannah which
means it’s flush, which means it’s filled abundantly endless with trees. How
big is Jannah? Proseprerity will are doing innas-samaawaati wal ‘ardh – a lot
and how many tress are haram one and shaitaan can still get you to come to the
billions of trees that are the expanse of the skies on the earth, youre trying
to get the the you to go near that one.
By the way, even getting near the trees must be a track and that’s
why we understand that, Allahumma might be shaitaan real domain be using
deception. You know what that’s mean dalwn? What's dalwun, it’s a verb that’s
come from that then to use a bucket to lure people. In other words, you put a
carrot it and the animal smells it. You put it in a little more, you pull it in
a little more, until the animals trapped. That lie is also used when you pull a
bucket up from a well does it come up right away or slowly. Yes, now if a
bucket comes up quickly ‘adla, ‘adla when the bucket comes up slowly then in
other words that one the time, ‘hey don’t you eat from the tree’ and they’re
like, ‘okay sounds a good idea.’
Totally we should do this it was a little bit and a little bit
then a little bit, and every time was almost almost inconveicable that we’re
doing something wrong. What do people do when tey fall into a trap? I thought
sure time comes to them and says ‘hey why don’t you do like ultimate super
crazy haram and burn in hell' and it’s a good idea I said do it no he says ‘hey
man, take it easy a little just whatever it’s just in time for pleasure.
Chillax, it’s a little bit more just go back to see you can feel chiffons foot,
pressing down on the pillow right here, you can get up it’s please like I have
a good time so first he gets you it’s a lot and he has to get you it’s a lot.
First, you know why you want to kill the guard, you want to penetrate the
castle, you got to take out the guard first right so get you it’s a lot first.
What does Allah say about salat, innassholati anil fakhsyai wal munkar. Shalat is what prevents you from shamelessness. When your salat starts falling apart you, don’t have opportunity to do other stuff with you. So first it’s not a big deal, it’s just a little late, it’s just you know and he won’t get you to miss it altogether. It’ll be the guy that shoes up first before the adhan, then you have to go that early show up after the adhan. They be like great all the saunas it’s not followed Do you know okay, okay well salats at 8:15. It’s only 8 right now just go ahead 8:10. Then a couple weeks later if you like look you’re gonna catch a lot you’re gonna work it work. Is way right so then you catch like third rakaat, then he comes back and says, ‘Ameen, I mean it’s already over. Just pray at home then he comes back and says it’s already over and you’re like halfway through the movie finished the movie and pray.
That he works his way and then eventually. Now you start, it used to be you’re pray in the masjid, then slowly you’re praying at home, then you’re praying at home really late, then you’re like you’re really tired right? You just finished watching movie you’re really tired it’s not really a time different why don’t you sleep a little then wake up and pray. Just little lately you wake up, you know you got control so you wake up at 2:00 in the morning 3:00 in the morning. I am pretty sure, whoa oh wait, then while he’s doing this while the security has gone down, because this is all security sell out this security while security has been compromised then the floodgates to evil because this is good.
Salat is good but leaving it opens the doors to evil. That’s when he does that other stuff, so the kinds movies you watch changes the kinds of stuff you expose yourself to changes, you start becoming a different person of a personality. Changes starts happening but it all happens very little, that it he’s got a lot of patience and he’s done this one plently of people before so he knows how to work this right.
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