ا ارنب يجري يلعب ياكل جزرا كي لا يتعب
Alifun arnab, yajri yal’ab, ya’kulu jazaran kay la yat’ab
Alif is for rabbit that runs and plays and eats carrots so he won’t get tired.
ب بطه نطت نطه وقعت ضحكت منها القطه
Baa’un baTTa, naTTat naTTa, waqa’at DHahikat minha alqiTa
Baa’ is for duck that jumped and fell making the cat laugh at her.
ت تاج فوق الراس فيه الذهب وفيه الماس
Taa’un taj, fawqa, arra’s, feehi thahabu wa feehi almaas
Taa’ is for a gold & diamond crown on the head
ث ثعلب صاد دجاجه فهو ماكر وقت الحاجه
Thaa’un tha’lab, Sada dujaja, fahuwa makir waqta alHaja
‘THaa’ (thank)’ is for fox who caught a chicken, for he is sly when he needs to be
ج جمل في الصحراء مثل سفينه فوق الماء
Jeemun jamalun fiSSahra’, mithla safeena fawqa almaa’
Jeem is for camel in the desert like a ship on the water.
ح حج اسمى رغبه فيه طواف حول الكعبه
Haa’un hajjun asma raghba feehi Tawafun Hawla alka’ba
‘Haa” is for hajj, the best desire to talk/roam around the ka’ba.
خ خبز عند البائع لا ياكله الا الجائع
Khaa’un khubzun ‘imda alba’i, al ya’kuluhu illa alja’i
‘KHaa’ is for bread at the merchant, only hungry people eat it.
د ديك حسن الصوت قام يؤذن فوق البيت
Dalun deek, Hsasanu aSSawt, qama yu’athinu fawqa albayt
Dal is for rooster and his good sound making ‘athan’ on the rooftop.
ذ ذئب وحش صلب لا يرهبه الا الكلب
Thalun thi’bun, waHshun Salb, la yurhibuhu illa alkalb
‘THal (the)’ is for wolf a tuff monster who fears nothing but dogs.
ر رجل عرف الدين فهو صدوق وهو امين
Raa’un rajulun, ‘arafa addeena, fahuwa Sadooqun wa huwa ameen
Raa’ is for man who found revelation, for he is honest and trusworthy
ز زهره اصفر احمر هي في عيني احلى منظر
Zaayun zahra, aSfaru aHmar, heya Bi-aynee aHla manTHar
Zayn is for flower, yellow and red, to my eye she is the nicest view
س ساعه تحفظ وقتي في مدرستي او في بيتي
Seenun saa’a, taHfathu waqtee fee madrasatee aw fee baytee
Seen is for watch, she tells me the time, at school or at home
ش شمس صنع قدير فيها الدفئ وفيها النور
Sheenun shams, Sun’u qadeer, feeha addif’u wa feeha annoor
SHeen is for sun, a fine making, it gives warmth and light
ص صائد القى الشبكه بعد قليل صاد سمكه
Sadun Sa’id, alqa ashabaka, ba’da qaleelin Sada samaka
‘Sad’ is for hunter who threw his net, and then caught a fish.
ض ضابط يحمي وطني يحفظ امني يرعى سكني
Dadun DabiT, yaHmee waTanee, yaHfathu amnee yar’aa sakanee
‘Dad’ is for officer who protects my home and provides security.
ط طفل اجمل طفل فهو نظيف حسن الشكل
Taa’un Tiflun, ajmalu Tiflin fahuwa natheefu Hasanu ashakli
‘Ta’ is for child who is clean and in good appearance.
ظ ظفر نظفناه طال قليلا فقصصناه
THaa’un THifrun naTHafnah, Tala qaleelan fa-qaSaSnah
‘THa’ is for a nail that we cleaned. It got a little longer so we cut it.
ع عينا تخشى الله تشهد خيرا فيه رضاه
Aynun aynan takhsha allah, tash-hadu khayran feehi riDaah
‘Ayn’ is for an eye/soul who fears his creator(Allah) doing good things that please him.
غ غار غار حراء فيه انزل القران
GHaynun ghar, gharu Hira’, feehi ‘onzila alqur’aan
‘GHayn’ is for (ghar hiraa’) hiraa’ cave where the Quraan came down.
ف فيل ذو انياب وهو صديق يا اصحاب
Faa’un feel, thu anyab, wa huwa Sadeequn ya aS-Hab
F is for elephant with tusks and he is a friends O friends
ق قمر فيه منال ومواقيت تهدي السائل
Qaafun qamarun, feehi manalun wa mawaqeetun tahdee assa’il
‘Qaaf’ is for moon that has the time(date) for who asks
ك كلب عاش جواري يحرس غنمي يحرس داري
Kafun kalbun, ‘aasha jawaree, yaHrusu ghanamee, yaHrusu daaree
Kaaf is for dog who lived beside me, cares for my sheep and guards my house.
ل لحم ينمو جسمي يكسو عظمي فيه اسمى
Lamun laHamun yanmoo jismee, yaksoo ‘athmee feehi asma
Laam is for meat that makes me grow(muscles) and it covers my bones.
م مسجد بيت الله فيه أؤدي كل صلاة
Meemun masjid, baytu allah, feehi o’addee kulla Sala
Meem is for masjid, the house of God, in it I make all my prayers.
ن نهر نهر النيل فهو كريم غير بخيل
Noonun nahrun, nahru annel, fahuwa kareemun ghayru bakheel
Noon is for river.. the nile river that is generous.
ه هرم عالي القمه وبناؤ ه رمز للهمه
ha’un haramun ‘aalee alqimma, wa bina’uhu ramzun lilhimma
Haa’ is for pyramid, high and a symbol of strength.
و وجه للانسان فيه نور بالايمان
Wawun wajhun lilinsaan, feehi noorun bil-eman
Waw is for face for the human, there is light of faith.
ي يد ترسم زهره تبدع شكلا تظهر فكره
Yaa’un yaddun, tarsumu zahra, tubdi’u shaklan tuTH-hiru fikra
Yaa’ is for hand that draws a flower, creates a shape and shows and idea
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